Investor Directory Databases
We offer the #1 longest running and most credible Database of Family Offices & Private Investors
Let the numbers speak
Every listing in our database has been confirmed through a phone call, email, or through web verification within the last 6 months. Our accuracy is guaranteed.
Detailed Contact Information
Family Office Database Listings Include: The Family Office Databases offers a collection of inclusive contact details for 2,289 multi and single family offices with 4,622 contacts from around the globe These inclusive contact details include the following information when available:
- Name of Firm
- Assets Under Management (AUM)
- An average of 3 Contacts Per Office
- Contacts Associated Job Titles
- Contact Phone Number
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Fax Number Firm
- Email address of (All 3 contacts are present for 96%+ of listings)
- Address that can be sorted by Country, City, State, or Zip Code
- Investment area of interest (Over 80% of the offices)
- Company History
- Notes
- Website URL of the Family Office
- LinkedIn Profile Information for over 95% of the Contacts Within the Database
- Additional Associated Offices
Note: While many profiles are complete, not all of the information for the above categories can be found for all of the offices in our database. Family offices are very secretive, and as such, information is often times scarce and hard to find. Family offices value their privacy and that of their clients. Information on AUM, investment preferences, and company history can be difficult to find, and as such, is a less complete portion of our database. Offices were not included in our database if a phone number or email address were not present, so each contact has at least one point of contact in addition to a mailing address.
Database Benefits
- Gain access up to 24,000 contact details for 11,000 investors.
- Work more efficiently & raise capital faster than you otherwise could.
- Expand your press release or newsletter mailing coverage by building direct valuable relationships.
- Schedule more conference calls and on-site visits with prospects.
- Become more efficient at accessing more than a trillion dollars in assets managed by the contacts within our Database of family offices.
- Update your old in-house Database or Directory of family offices.
- Take advantage of the 10,000+ hours our team has invested in building the Family Offices Database to leverage your firm’s time and efforts.
- Complete more road shows and sets of business trip meetings.
- Enable your team to follow up with leads from industry conferences and meetings.
- Reach concentrated pools of high net worth and ultra-high net worth investors.
Risk Free Database Quality Guarantee
Free Sample
Perhaps, the best testament to the value of our Family Office Thought Leadership and Research is the fact that most of the largest Investment Banks and Media Companies use our services. One Top-5 Media Company has enrolled an entire team of 30 professionals in our training program, and Bloomberg recently credited us publicly with helping them survey top Family Offices.
Testimonials from Past Clients
53 Investor Databases Available
Family Office Database Combination Package is available for purchase. Our Family Office Databases includes an average of 2-3 contacts per family office and more than 4,622 contacts for over 2,289 total family offices.
Africa Investors & Emerging Markets
Angel Investor Database
Asia Family Offices Database
Asia Investors Database
Canadian Investor Database
Cannabis Investor Database
Consumer Investor Database
Corporate Venture Capital Database
Endowment Database
Energy Investors Database
ETF, Commodities, Bonds & Stocks Investor Database
Europe Family Offices Database
European Investors Database
FinTech Investor Database
Food Restaurants Investor Database
Fund of Fund Database
Health Care Investor Database
Hedge Fund Database
Hospitality Investor Database
Institutional Investment Consultant Database
Insurance Investment Database
LATAM Family Offices Database
LATAM Investor Database
Manufacturing Investor Database
Middle East Investors Database
Multi-Family Office Database
North America Investor Database
Oceania & Australia Family Office Database
Oceania & Australia Investor Database
Pension Fund Database
Private Equity Database
Private Equity Real Estate Investment Firms Database
Private Real Estate Investment Database
Real Estate Family Office Database
Real Estate Investment Trust REIT Database
Single Family Office Database
Sovereign Wealth Fund Database
Technology Investor Database
UK Family Office Database
USA Family Office Database
Venture Capital Database
Wealth Management Database
Social Environment Impact Investors Database
Commercial Real Estate Development Investors Database
TV Film Entertainment Investors Database
Banking CEO Investors Database
Industrial Real Estate Investment Firms Database
Mobile Home Parking Investors Database
Philathropic Investors Database
Retail Investors Database
Self-Storage Investment Firms & InvestorsDatabase
Senior Housing Investors Database
Special Purpose Acquisitions Company (SPAC) Database
Automotive Industry Investors Database
Fix & Flip Real Estate Investors Database
Risk Free Database Quality Guarantee
Risk Free Database Quality Guarantee: We provide a 4x per-listing refund for any contact you find in our database that is not in fact a family office wealth management firm. For example, if 10% of the database is off or outdated, you receive 40% of your money back. This takes the risk off of you and puts it back on us, full terms of purchase are here.